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Mex Martillo 9:09 Thu Apr 4
Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United

Fellow Hammers United members and West Ham fans,

The cost of buying a season ticket has added to the financial pressures experienced by all fans and as we approach that time of year where the renewal prices are set to be announced there is an expectation among West Ham fans that the Club ought to be doing everything possible to keep any price increases to an absolute minimum.

So what have we found following the Club’s announcement this afternoon, details of which are here https://www.whufc.com/news/season-tickets-202425-renewals-open-now ?

Well, not a lot other than the usual happy clappy drivel about what an exciting time it is to be a West Ham fan, how a season ticket is the most cost effective way to see the team play and, of course, the obligatory wheeling out of the Club’s oft trumpeted mantra of its commitment to “affordable football”.

If you can bear to read the entirety of the Club’s vomit inducing puff piece, you’ll come across this little nugget:

“There will be an uplift on prices for 2024/25, with a cost-per-game increase from £1.84 for adults in Band 6, up to £5.26 in our premium 1966 seats. The new pricing is consistent with both our principle of running the Club’s finances responsibly while aiming for continued success on the pitch through significant investment in the playing squad, and maintaining our commitment to affordable family football at London Stadium.”

Those with a keen eye will note that there is no mention of the percentage increases for a season ticket on a band by band basis and no reference is made to the rate of inflation, which is falling (it currently stands at 3.4%) and is expected to fall further throughout the year.

We wonder why that would be!

We’ve no doubt that if the Club was freezing the cost of a season ticket across all bands at 23/24 rates that would be front and centre of any announcement. So why hide the real percentage increases that the Club is expecting its “customers” to pay?

Come on the Club, tell it to us straight! We can handle it!

Shortly after the Club made its joyous announcement, Hammers United was contacted by a Band 5 season ticket holder who discovered that his season ticket was going up by 10%!

That’s nearly 3 times the rate of inflation!

Is this the highest increase? Is it the same across all bands? Is it the lowest increase? We just don’t know and the Club is doing nothing to shed any light on this.

Hammers United would like to hear from our members, letting us know what is happening with their season ticket price increase and how they feel about it. Just click on this link and tell us all about it: https://hammersunited.com/contact/

We also encourage those fans who are unhappy with what they are being asked to pay to contact the Club by email  supporterservices@westhamunited.co.uk .

Hammers United believes the announcement of the new price increases is absolutely shameful and fully exposes the long held belief among the fans that the Club sees us all as nothing more than customers who, due to our loyalty and absolute lack of an alternative, are there to be bled dry.

There are many questions we will ask of ourselves, arguably the most pertinent being this: How long can I go on paying the money to support the team I love?

Obviously there are those among us whose ability to pay will see us grudgingly cough up the money even as we watch more and more of our fellow loyal supporters fall foul of the financial realities of supporting their team.

But there will come a time, even if it's not right now, when the answer is: No longer.

That day will come around sooner than you think.


Hammers United CommitteeHAMMERS UNITED
Hammers United is a West Ham United fans group dedicated to improving things for all West Ham Supporters young & old.



Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

scott_d 10:39 Wed Apr 10
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United

Sorry but that is horseshit.

I'm in Band 5 and I can see everything that is going on, sat right by the away fans so the atmosphere is decent (as good as it gets on a good day) and the people a row or two in front are paying almost double what I pay because they are closer to the pitch.

It's rubbish to say that you might as well not be there if you're not in a good seats.

1964 8:35 Wed Apr 10
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
Liverpool fans complaining their STs going up by 2%

onsideman 1:01 Fri Apr 5
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
You can't realistically quote prices for band 5 and 6
They bear no relation whatsoever to watching live football as most people know or understand it
You may as well quote a price for someone broadcasting from a go pro fixed to a drone
It should never be used as any kind of frame of reference

On The Ball 9:23 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
As much as I disagree with price rises, to suggest that they don't offer affordable football just isn't true.

Our band 6/5 are £345/£385 - that's £18.16 and £20.26 per game. Yes they're shit seats, but that's cheap. Orient's cheapest ticket is £347 as a renewal or £368 from new.

Come On You Irons 6:59 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
Your silence says it all Lee TROLLdle.

You're merely yet another trappy keyboard warrior stalking cunt.

Come On You Irons 6:17 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
I care about all band types.

Do you even go to games Lee TROLLdle?

Lee Trundle 6:15 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United

Lee Trundle 6:15 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
Why would someone on a 6 figure salary care what Band 4 play, COYI?

You need to act the part, not just tell people what role you're playing.

Come On You Irons 6:12 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
The Mercernary 4:59 Thu Apr 4

Great intel and record keeping. Thanks for sharing that mate.

Ron Eff 5:14 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
I’m generally on favour of club and owner bashing, but if your season ticket for a Premier League club is £310 and £350 and you’re suffering a ~10% uplift, I really don’t think there is much cause for complaint.

I’m band 3, it’s not really price dynamics making me question my renewal. It largely depends on the manager and whether I want to commit my time to a 3 hour round trip to watch that shit. Suspect I’ll renew to keep my seat and lob a load of tickets on the Exchange.

The Mercernary 4:59 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
I'm in Band 4 (BM Lower), and have kept a note of my season ticket prices going back many years:

'24/25 = £670, going up 6.3% next season
'23/24 = £630, up 7.7% on '22/23
'22/23 = £585, up 5.4% on '21/22

So in those 3 seasons it's gone up 20.7% overall.

The 3 seasons prior, so 19/20 to 21/22, the price was frozen at £555.

What's also interesting, and I'd forgotten, is that there was a significant price drop when we moved from the Boleyn to the OS:

The last year at the Boleyn I paid £617.50, then it went down to £499.00 at the OS, so a 19.2% drop.

Next season's £670 is only 8.5% up on what I paid in 2016.

You can therefore paint two very different pictures if you like - up nearly 21% in 3 seasons is appalling, but it's also only up about £50 in 8 years...

scott_d 4:02 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
well that formatting didn't work!

scott_d 4:02 Thu Apr 4
Re: Season tickets 2024-25 - Hammers United
The club have removed any reference to previous years prices from the website but I managed to find them all to do a comparison and this is what I found:

2024 2023 Inc. %Inc.
1966 West 1,720 1,620 100 6
1966 Billy Bonds 1,445 1,360 85 6
Band 1 1,175 1,105 70 6
Band 2 1,040 980 60 6
Band 3 790 745 45 6
Band 4 670 630 40 6
Band 5 385 350 35 10
Band 6 345 310 35 11

So the highest % increase is going to the cheapest tickets with an average of 7% increase accross the board.

1964 3:33 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
My ST gone up by 8%

bill green 2:21 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
My renewal price is £790 which is £41 per ticket. Comparing that to other entertainment, gigs and shows etc, it's not outrageous.
I don't think West Ham are the problem, it's prem football in general, financial fair play rules, VAR, players diving etc that pi** me off but going to WHU is a great way of meeting up with mates etc so I'll carry on.

goose 2:14 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
maybe not, but it depends how they cost the season ticket.

have they said the price increase is because of inflation?
the 12 month CPI rate is something like 4%.

SnarestoneIron 2:07 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
goose 2:03 Thu Apr 4

By 10%?

goose 2:03 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
The RATE is slowing but you’d still expect the price of your ST to go up.

, 1:57 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
The rate of increase is falling.

Nothing is cheaper this year except Tesla’s.

62Hammer 1:45 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
The RATE is falling, though.

goose 1:40 Thu Apr 4
Re: SEASON TICKETS 2024-25 - Hammers United
"Those with a keen eye will note that there is no mention of the percentage increases for a season ticket on a band by band basis and no reference is made to the rate of inflation, which is falling (it currently stands at 3.4%) and is expected to fall further throughout the year."

it's not "falling" it's just not going up as much as it was.
it's still going up.

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